Friday, October 2, 2009

My fiance, the ass...

It's been brought to our attention that Luc and I aren't the only pair of our kind. As I mentioned a few days ago, we sent out our save the dates, and our guests have begun to peruse our wedding website. One of Luc's friend's tried to get to our website by googling our names: kristenandluc
He found a site...he found Kristen and Luc...but not the ones he was looking for. Here's my favourite highlight from the site:
"Kristin jumped on Luc giving him his first bareback experience"
And here is the site itself:


  1. Team Donk? A driving passion? My God you can't make that shit up! Fantastic. "...That is the combination of one eleven year old child who has a strong affinity for animals and one very opinionated donkey boy...". I imagine Luc and you are going to have fun with the 'Donkey Boy' nickname.

    I'm going to RSVP to her and see what happens.

  2. Ok, so turns out there are loads of Kristen & Luc stories out there (don't worry, you're the better looking couple, at least more than this one... but maybe not more than the donkey and the 11-year old)

    I actually can't find your blog - can you send it to me? Please?


Thanks for dropping by!