Sunday, November 1, 2009

The last hurrah!

We decided to go all out this year for Halloween. According to one of my best friends, "the next time Halloween falls on a weekend, we're going to have KIDS!!!" This alarming fact meant that Luc and I, and Kate and her fiance had to party like we were 18 and dress up like we were 8. Done and done. We won a costume contest and got a private booth and free bottle service at a club, so at least the effort that went into making the costumes was rewarded.

By the end of the night our go-karts were a little bit trashed, but that was to be expected. We crashed into each other, we crashed into other people, we crashed into cars on the street....we crashed into each other some more. Among the many unsolved mysteries from the night are the toy gun I found in the pocket of my vest, and my thumbs, which are both stained green. Nobody knows how this happened.


  1. Uh, we've never met, but this costume makes you my hero.

  2. I agree. That is a hero level costume.

  3. Unbelievable. You guys looked AMAZING! My fav. part was definitely the bananas and shells - great touch.

  4. Thanks so much guys! Luc and Tom worked really building the carts. Those crafty boys!


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