Thursday, May 13, 2010

Voicing my opinion

These are four of my favourite voices in music. A uniquely enduring voice is the staple to any band that plans on holding your interest for more than one album. They spin a vocal rhythm into songs that could never sound the same sung by anyone else. When a song comes on by any of these singers/bands, I can never bring myself to skip forward or stop listening....and I maybe even sing along in my quivering wannabe-singer voice. It's not pretty...just ask Luc.

Gord Downie (The Tragically Hip)

There was a point in my life, back in my early naive high school years, when I didn't like the Hip. I can't remember the reasons why, but somewhere along the way I was educated in the smooth pitchiness of Gord Downie's unmistakable vocals. His collaboration with City and Colour on "Sleeping Sickness" always puts me into a trance of musical appreciation. Gordie makes his grand entrance at 1:40 in this music video.

Eddie Vedder (Pearl Jam)

I could never talk about my favourite singers without fawning over Eddie Vedder. He can do that sing-really-fast thing where you can't even tell what he's saying, his low notes are hypnotic and his high notes are effortless. I have my older brother to thank for leaving all his Pearl Jam albums lying around his bedroom when we were younger.

Ed Roland (Collective Soul)

Ed Roland is one of those singers whose voice is so distinctive that you can recognize him in a word. I've seen Collective Soul in concert innumerable times, one time going to concerts so close together I think it was the exact same lineup...didn't phase me though, he always blows the roof off.

Fiona Apple

How very 1990's of me to talk about Fiona Apple. At least I didn't bring up The Cranberries....another time, though. I love the way you can feel Fiona Apple's raw talent when you listen to her music. Her tone is deep and sometimes raspy without making you think (or say aloud), "wow, her voice is....really deep and raspy." You know what I mean. Check out the surprise guest star in this video.


  1. Oh, how I love Gord. We have such similar taste in music! If you haven't listened to The Hip's "Wheat Kings," get on it. It's slower, but a great example of trance-inducing Downie talent.

  2. Yes, Wheat Kings is one of my favs!! Followed closely (or tied with) 38 Years Old, Scared and Bobcaygeon. Check out The Last Recluse and Coffee Girl from their latest, my friend.


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